The magic last only 3 days … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

The magic last only 3 days … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

A beautiful girl atacked me few days ago, complaining that i am the kind of person that believes in fairy tales.
She not even knew very well who i am, but defined me as a strange person.
I was smiling and asked her why she defines me if she never met me in person, but she could not have a good answear.
We are all the time defined by people, that never had anything to do with us.
Truth be told … i do believe in fairy tales, but i also believe that it last about 3 days to recognize an illusion.
We all need beatiful moments into our lifes and some of them can easilly be defined as magic.
But what if everything is just illusory?!
When you will understand that the border between a fairy tale and an illusion can be detected very hard, you will pay more attentions to details.
There is an amazing book called “Man’s search for meaning” by Victor Frankl, telling his story from a nazi concentration camp, about how people acted into those moments in the worst scenario a human being can live and explains to us the importance of having a meaning in life … which most of the time is usually a dream.
He came up with the logotherapy theory.
That is founded upon the belief that striving to find meaning in life is the primary, most powerful motivating and driving force in humans.
He personally survived the holocaust cause he wanted to publish his work, other people wanted to meet again with the loved ones … so statisticlly people that survived were not powerful individuals, but people that had the believe their life is not going to end in there.
Believing that someone could escape from the Auschwitz concentration camp looked at the time as an illusory fairy tale.
Coming back to our lifes … we have many reason to believe that … a difficult marriage can be treated with the illusory effect of a love affair … dreaming to be rich by acting you are a rich person, going out to places and vacations you cannot afford or buying clothes and cars that will ruin you.
Anchored into reality again … jumping from the fancy fairy tale to the real life … back and forth …will make you understand the difference between an illusion and a fairy tale.

Download the book ”Abstract love: a philosophical guide for imposible love stories” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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